Sea Moss Dragonfruit Smoothie

Prep time: 3 minutes | Cook time: 0 mins | Total time: 3 mins | Servings: 2

You’re hungry, but you don’t want to stand up to cook a meal and you don’t feel like eating out either. Well, let’s get into this Dragon fruit smoothie made with Jamaican Sea moss and a few other powerful ingredients.

Dragon fruit isn’t as sweet as it looks, but it’s rich in antioxidants, high in fiber, contains prebiotics that help feed the healthy bacteria, strengthens your immune system and much more. 

Sea Moss has a special place in my heart, especially as a Jamaican-American. While a lot of people aren;t too familiar with Sea Moss, it’s quite popular amongst a few Caribbean islands. It helps remove mucus, which is great if you have a cold, builds your immune system immensely, helps lessen/get rid of menstrual cramps and more - the benefits are endless.

This dragon fruit smoothie also contains Elderberry. I can’t tell you guys the amount of time Elderberry has strengthened my immune system and has helped me throughout the years to prevent me from getting a cold and even the flu. You need this in your kitchen.

I also want to highlight the Bladderwrack and Burdock root that were also added to this smoothie. Burdock root is a vegetable native to Northern Asia + Europe and for centuries has been used in Holistic medicine to treat various conditions. Bladderwrack is a type of seaweed and people use the entire plant to actually make medicine and is used for many conditions. 

Together, Sea moss, bladderwrack and burdock root are used for joint pain, heartburn, blood cleaning, removing mucus, bronchitis, urinary tract disorders, anxiety, depression, immune boosting, increased energy and so on.


Frozen Dragon Fruit 

3 tbsp Jamaican Sea moss, Burdock Root + Bladderwrack blend

2 tbsp Elderberry powder 

½ cup frozen Blackberries

½ cup frozen raspberries

1 tbsp Almond butter 

¼ cup Chia Seeds

2 cups Oat Milk

Vitamix blender


  1. In a blender add your frozen dragon fruit, frozen raspberries, frozen blackberries, Jamaican sea moss blend, Elderberry powder, chia seeds, almond butter and oat milk.

  2. Blend smoothie for no more than 30-45 seconds.

  3. Serve and enjoy!!!


VEGAN Chocolate Chunk Banana Bread (Gluten-Free)


Vitamin C Booster