Vitamin C Booster

Prep time: 5 mins | Cook time: 0 mins | Total time: 5 mins | Servings 1-2 people

This Vitamin C booster is one that should be drank before you eat anything, so that your body is able to get ALL of the benefits. 

With juicing, your body is able to absorb the nutrients and vitamins better than a smoothie because the vitamins and minerals found in the juice of fruits and vegetables, aren’t found in the pulp and fiber, when having a smoothie.

Note: This Vitamin C boosting juice can last up to 4 days in the refrigerator.


2 peeled carrots

1 orange

1 tbsp Ginger

1 squeezed lemon

3 tbsps Jamaican Purple Sea Moss

2 tbsp Elderberry Syrup

½ tbsp Agave nectar


  1. Add all ingredients to a blender or juicer and blend/juice for about 30 seconds.

  2. Then, pour your contents into a nut milk bag and squeeze into a glass container of your choice.

  3. Drink right away or refrigerate for up to 4 days.


Sea Moss Dragonfruit Smoothie


Quinoa Breakfast Bowl