VEGAN Chocolate Chunk Banana Bread (Gluten-Free)

Prep time: 15 minutes | Cook time: 50 minutes | Total time: 1 hour 5 minutes | Serves: 3

Who doesn’t love Banana Bread? Especially with Chocolate Chunks! I’m not too big on baking, but I’ve fallen in love with making baked goods like Banana Bread. I think it is perfect for any time of day, whether it be for breakfast, as a snack or after dinner time. So, if you have Bananas that you bought, but forgot to eat and now it's old – mash them up and make this recipe!

Before I went Vegan, I had no idea that eggs and milk weren’t a requirement to make the perfect baked goods. Now that I’m 4 years into being Vegan, I have the option of using dairy-free alternatives, such as flax seeds to create flax eggs and any plant-based milk of my choice – the options are endless.

Every time I make Vegan Banana Bread, I switch things up and don’t always follow the same instructions, it truly all depends. I like the idea of using Almond Flour for baking because it’s a great gluten-free alternative for baking.

NOTE: For the perfect Flax Egg, you need to grind the flax seeds – you can use a coffee or spice grinder. When you’re done, put it into a bowl, add a little water and let it sit for 5 minutes. After 5 minutes, it should have a gelatinous consistency, that is similar to that of an egg.


2 large Bananas

1/3 melted vegan butter

2/3 date sugar

¼ oat milk

2 cups almond flour

1 tbsp. of sea salt

1 tbsp. of nutmeg

2 tbsp. cinnamon

Vegan Chocolate Chunks


  1. Preheat your oven to 350 °F

  2. In a mixing bowl, add your Bananas and mash them until smooth.

  3. Next, add the rest of your ingredients and mix – the order shouldn’t matter, but note that the grinded flax seed mix should sit in the fridge for at least 10-15 minutes.

  4. Add your mix into your preferred baking pan and top it with more Chocolate Chunks. Let it bake for 50 minutes.

  5. Once your bread is finished baking, let it cool or if you like it hot, then knock yourself out and enjoy!


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