Raw Collard Wraps

Prep time: 8 minutes | Cook time: 10 minutes | Total time: 18 minutes | Servings: 4

Are you in the mood for a Burrito, but need to cut back on foods high in starch? Well, you’re in the right place. I love making Burritos, but I wanted to switch it up, with a healthier alternative and made these Raw Collard wraps.

Collard Greens are a part of the same family as Kale and Cabbage and are packed with lots of vitamins and nutrients - major plus! 

For this wrap, you can eat the collard greens in their raw form or you can steam them for a few minutes - either or will work but I prefer to have them in its natural state.


4 Collard Leaves

½ cup white quinoa

¼ cup of chopped red peppers

½ avocado

¼ cup of vegan cheddar cheese

Peanut Coconut sauce or any sauce of your choice


  1. Thoroughly wash your collard leaves before preparation.

  2. Once your leaves are clean, cut the stems off of each leaf - collard leaves are tough, so you’ll need to remove the stems to make it flat for an easy wrap.

  3. Once the quinoa is finished cooking ( I seasoned mine to my liking), you can then add it and the rest of your fillings to the middle-bottom of the wrap. 

  4. Next, roll your wrap like you would with a Burrito - tucking in the ends as you go, so that the fillings don’t spill out.

  5. Lastly, cut your collard wraps in half just like you would with a normal Burrito. 

  6. Serve and enjoy!


Cheese Omelette


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